MATLAB: Help with block letter


im trying to create a W stencil. shown is what i currently have along with my code and also my desired w output. any help would be awesome. thank you.

Best Answer

I think that part of the problem with the x positions in that there are too many that are the identical. If we look at the desired image and at each vertex, none have the same x position/coordinate yet the code produces 5 at -0.892857142857143 and 5 at 0.892857142857143. (Duplication is expected for the y-coordinates.) Also, it isn't clear where some of the factors (i.e 0.56) originate from so perhaps you just want to start simple and make some easy assumptions. If we assume that the width of the stencil (the 0.5) is the same as the base of the three triangles (the two upsidedown ones and the one in the middle) then just start in the middle at (0,center_height) and move clockwise around the letter. To get you started, you might do
total_height = 2*center_height; % I think this should be true?
total_width = total_height/aspect;
trunkWidth = (1/5)*total_width;
pos = [ 0 , center_height;
-0.5*trunkWidth , 0; % moving counter clockwis
-1.5*trunkWidth , 0;
% etc.