MATLAB: Help with Barcode reading!


So there is this barcodes matrix
barcodes = {':…:::.:…..::::….:..::.:..:.:..:.:..:..:.::…';
I'm trying to associate specific dots and colons to a specific numeric value to be able to read the barcode.
1 = …::
2 = ..:.:
3 = ..::.
4 = .:..:
5 = .:.:.
6 = .::..
7 = :…:
8 = :..:.
9 = :.:..
0 = ::…
How can I write a for loop function that coverts barcodes matrix into numbers?

Best Answer

I just answered this yesterday: with the very same codes. Perhaps megan is your classmates. So it looks like it must be homework, which, to be honest, means you should have tagged your post with a "homework" tag.