MATLAB: Help with a matlab code

matrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

i have this particular code:
Board = zeros(10);
ALPHArange = 'A':'J';
Drow = ALPHArange(randi(numel(ALPHArange)));
Dcol = randi(9,1,1);
idx = find(ismember(ALPHArange, Drow));
Board(idx, Dcol:Dcol + 1) = 2;
idx = find(ismember(ALPHArange, Drow));
this line should find the index of Drow in array ALPHArange. For example, if randomly choosen alphabet is 'E' then idx will have value 5, for 'C' value 3 and so on and it will be your row number in the next line
Board(idx, Dcol:Dcol + 1) = 2;
but when i tried this,the value of …….idx = find(ismember(ALPHArange, Drow))……….. is always 1,even when the randomly choosen alphabet is 'E' or 'F'…….. so, all the points i try to put into matrix always ends up in the first row.

Best Answer

[tf, idx] = ismember(Drow, ALPHArange);