MATLAB: Help Using readmatrix or readcell


% Start writing your program here
% read excel file
%[GradesDat, GradesTxt] = xlsread('CU3141_Grades.xlsx'); THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL CODE
[GradesDat, GradesTxt]= readmatrix("CU3141_Grades.xlsx");
% store grade distribution (percentages) in a column vector "distribution"
distribution = [0.2; 0.4; 0.4];
% do inner product of grades matrix and distribution to get final grades
Final = GradesDat * distribution
% compute average grade using matlab's mean function
AveGrade = mean(Final)
% compute maximum grade using matlab's max function
MaxGrade = max(Final)
% determine maximum index using matlab's find function
MaxIndex = find(Final == MaxGrade)
% find student with maximum score
Students = GradesTxt(3:end); % extract only names for students
MaxStudent = Students(MaxIndex); % get the name of student with max score
MaxStudent = cell2mat(MaxStudent) % convert cell to character matrix (array)
% create the output message using matlab's sprintf function
Results = sprintf('The avaerage grade was %3.1f with a maximum score of %3.1f by %s.',AveGrade,MaxGrade,MaxStudent)
I am trying to not use xlsread and use readmatrix or readcell am I writing this wrong?

Best Answer

According to the documentation, there is no two-output syntax for the readmatrix command. You'll need to get a deeper understanding of the differences between that command and xlsread.