MATLAB: Help understanding the following errors


Hello everyone, My current code is the following:
chooseEquation = 'poggiolini';
for att_db=0.18/1e3:0.01/1e3:0.20/1e3
dirname =sprintf('C:/Documents and Settings/JAY/My Documents/MATLAB/simplifyCode/data %d',att_db);
[ResultsPogQPSK1] = MaxReachAnalytical(chooseEquation ,att_db);
fname= sprintf('%s/ result.dat',dirname);
mydata = load(fname);
plot(mydata.ResultsPogQPSK1.reach*1e-3, -8:0.1:3, '-.b', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on; grid on;
I am getting two errors that I do not understand. They are:
??? Error using ==> load
Number of columns on line 1 of ASCII file C:/Documents and
Settings/JAY/My Documents/MATLAB/simplifyCode/data 2.000000e-004/
must be the same as previous lines.
Error in ==> PlotAnalysisCurves at 13
mydata = load(fname);
Could someone kindly explain what I am doing wrong? Thank you very much!

Best Answer

You are save()'ing files to .dat filenames but you are not specifying the -ascii option, so MATLAB is saving them as binary MAT files that happen to have funny names. MATLAB does not save() as text unless you use -ascii specifically, but MATLAB does not load() as binary unless the filename ends in .mat or you specify the -mat option specifically when you load()