MATLAB: Help to plot a contour

contour plot

I want to plot a contour graph to display Z with respect to X and Y. If Z = a*X + b*Y, I can plot a contour. However, If Z is a matrix that gained from training Neural Network or measured values how I can plot on a contour graph? Can you help me?
Happy New Year.

Best Answer

You can plot any matrix using the contour function.
For example:
Z = rand(10,12);
You do not necessarily have to define ‘X’ and ‘Y’, although it gives you more control over the appearance of the plot that contour produces than without them.
We do not have your data, and I do not understand the reason you have apparently not been able to get a good plot from contour with your matrix. If you can upload your data as a .mat file (use the save function, and then click the ‘paperclip’ icon, and complete both the ‘Choose file’ and ‘Attach file’ steps to upload the file) we can help you solve the specific problem you are experiencing.