MATLAB: Help solving string question

help solving string question

Durring my last semester, we were given a bonus quiz to write a function the received and numberical input and produced the revise as an output.
example a=123
we were not allowed to use any string variable or function. Any ideas now that the semester is over Id like to know what you think.
My original thought was to divide the input but the got harder with larger number as the function should receive any number

Best Answer

This works, but obviously only for integers:
a = 123;
% a = fix(rand*1E6) % Test Integer
La = fix(log10(a));
x = a;
for k1 = La:-1:0
d(k1+1) = fix(x/(10^k1));
x = rem(x,10^k1);
v10 = 10.^(La:-1:0)';
Flipped_a = d*v10
The Flipped_a variable is the result. I tested it on other random integers as well.