MATLAB: Help on using ode45


Hello! I am trying to solve a system of differential equations using ode45 and I only get as a result NaN numbers. I am quite new on Matlab, can somebody help me? 🙂
My code is:
A = 0.3;
f = @(t,x) [x(2)*x(3)*sin(x(6)-x(5)-x(4)-A*t);...
x(1)*x(3)*sin(x(6)-x(5)-x(4)-A*t); ...
-2*x(2)*x(1)*sin(x(6)-x(5)-x(4)-A*t); ...
-x(1)^-1*x(2)*x(3)*cos(x(6)-x(5)-x(4)-A*t); ...
-x(2)^-1*x(1)*x(3)*cos(x(6)-x(5)-x(4)-A*t); ...
[t,xa] = ode45(f,[0.01 1],[sqrt(20) sqrt(0.1*20) 0 0 0 0]);

Best Answer

You divide by x(3) - so it's not allowed to be zero at the beginning.
Best wishes