MATLAB: Help on for loop

MATLABmatrix manipulationvectors

I have an R vector and a U vector. The R vector contains mostly zeros but has a couple of values. The U vector is a shorter length than the R vector and contains no zeros. I want to make a U_final vector which has the values of the U vector at the same locations where the R vector values are non-zero. My attempted code is below. It iterates through fine, but the end result is the last value in U in all locations where R is non-zero rather than all values of U in the appropriate non-zero locations of R. I'm using U = [0.0137;0.0081] and R = [0;0;0;72;0;90]. I'd like the output to be U_final = [0;0;0;0.0137;0;0.0081]
for i = 1:length(R)
for j = 1:length(U)
if R(i,1) ~= 0
U_final(i,1) = U(j,1)
else U_final(i,1) == 0

Best Answer

No need to iterate. MATLAB makes this simple with logical indexing.
U = [0.0137;0.0081];
R = [0;0;0;72;0;90];
U_final = R;
U_final(R~=0) = U
But the number of nonzeros in R needs to be equal to the length of U.