MATLAB: Help needed on dfilt.fftfir

dfilt.fftfirlengthy signalsxcorr

I am pretty much failing to run the following code:
[song,f]=wavread('D:\song.wav'); song=(song(:,1)+song(:,2))/2; cut=song(100000:120000); s1=size(song,1); a=0; s2=size(cut,1); w=ones(s2,1); cc=xcorr(cut,song);
the song is ~12.9 million datapoints.
??? Error using ==> fftfilt at 78 Filters of length greater than 2^20 are not supported. Use dfilt.fftfir instead.
Error in ==> xcorr>vectorXcorr at 127 pos_c = flipud(fftfilt(conj(y),flipud(x))); % positive lags
Error in ==> xcorr at 54 [c,M,N] = vectorXcorr(x,autoFlag,varargin{:});
Error in ==> code at 8 cc=xcorr(cut,song);
I searched for dfilt.fftfir, but could not properly use it. I tried using the bugfix on
This doesn't work because the attached file is possibly deleted. Could anyone check and confirm?
What should I do to correct this code? Kindly help.

Best Answer

Please see this bug report. It is the same error. There is a work around provided by MathWorks
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