MATLAB: Help needed; I am missing smth obvious on private functions

private functions

Below is a function (test) that I created in a directory I have named 'area1'; please note that I am using function test below to call function random0 which also resides in directory 'area1'. However, when I try to make function random0 private by creating a sub-directory named 'private' and placing the random0 function within 'private', I get an error telling me that random0 is undefined. I create the sub-directory 'private' using mkdir('area1','private') and then I drag the fx file containing random0 within 'private.' Any ideas on what it is that I am missing?
function ran1 = test(n,m,a,b) %RANDOM0 Generate uniform random numbers in [low,high) %Function test generates an array of uniform random numbers in the range %[low,high). Function random0 is private and as such resides in the private %folder.
if nargin < 2 m=n; end

Best Answer

Was mkdir('area1', 'private') successful, although the parent directory was not a full path? Perhaops there was a folder of this name anywhere else also?
Please check in the file browser of the operating system that you have this folder structure:
Check if the 0 (zero) is not an O (uppercase Oh). Then try a rehash path.