MATLAB: Help me to write this code


How can i write code on matlab to find the last value in each row contains the target label for that row, and the remaining values are the features. Split the data into 10 approximately equally-sized "folds". ?

Best Answer

Try this:
m = randi(9, 30000, 3); % Sample data.
lastColumn = m(:, end);
targetValue = 5; % Whatever...
% Find where the last column matches our target value.
matches = lastColumn == targetValue;
fprintf('Found %d matches of %d (out of %d) in the last column.\n', ...
sum(matches), size(m, 1), targetValue);
% Extract the matching rows up until but not including the last column.
m2 = m(matches, 1:end-1);
[rows2, columns2] = size(m2)
% Get starting and ending rows to split this up into 10 submatrices.
rStart = round(linspace(1, rows2-rows2/10, 10))
rEnd = [rStart(2:end)-1, rows2]