MATLAB: Help me Please.. I want to save a cell array with large data as a mat file, but producing the following error!!

save large file

Warning: Variable 'IMGDB' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is older than 7.3. To save this variable, use the -v7.3 switch. Skipping…

Best Answer

The variable is either too large to fit in an older .mat format, or else you are trying to store a style of Objects that is too new to be supported with the older .mat format.
You can either add the -v7.3 option to your save command
save YourFile IMGDB -v7.3
or you can go into your Preferences to General to MAT-Files and set your preference to 7.3 there. Note that if you change your preference, then all of your save() will start using 7.3 even for small items.