MATLAB: Help in Matlab Assigment (Plot Circles)

assigmentcirclehomework fastplot circles

First Plot Circles
a-) Write MATLAB function called [x,y]=createCircle(center,r). The circle should be centered at center (1×2 row vector). Return x and y coordinates of the circle and then plot the circle. Remember that for a circle at origin (0,0) following equation is true
x(t) = cos(t)
y(t) = sin(t) for t = [0,2π].
Now, you need to find out how to scale and translate the circle.

Best Answer

This is a frequently asked question, so see the FAQ
For your code, you need to modify it to take more points because going from 0 to 2*pi in steps of 1 makes for a pretty chunky circle. Make it like 1000 steps with linspace(). You also need to add x center to xunit and the y center to yunit to get the center in the right place, and pass in a 1x2 vector and pass out the coordinates of the circle's perimeter.
function [xunit, yunit] = circle(xy,r)
hold on
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000); % 1000 points between 0 and 2*pi
xunit = r * cos(t) + xy(1);
yunit = r * sin(t) + xy(2);
plot(xunit, yunit);
grid on;
hold off
Then you call call it like
[x, y] = circle([10, 20], 5)