MATLAB: HELP…How to detect corners using Harris corner detection Algorithm

computer vision system toolboxComputer Vision Toolboxcorner detectionface detectionharris corner detectionmouth detection

Hi, I am having trouble with getting this corner detection code to work properly. It works fine but points are scattered all over the place, i want the corner points to be detected within the bounding box. is there anything i need to add or edit?
This is the code i have so far:-
faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('FrontalFaceCART');
cornerDetector = vision.CornerDetector('Method','Harris corner detection (Harris & Stephens)');
bboxes = step(faceDetector, Irgb2gray);
corners = detectHarrisFeatures(Irgb2gray);
Irgb2gray = insertObjectAnnotation(Iface, 'rectangle', bboxes, 'Face');
figure, imshow(Irgb2gray), title('Detected faces'); hold on;
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Try the syntax with the 'ROI' parameter, something like this:
corners = detectHarrisFeatures(Irgb2gray,'ROI',bboxes(1,:));
This will detect Harris corners within the first bounding box in bboxes.
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