MATLAB: Help displaying text to a figure.


If I do not want to plot an actual graph, and just display text of different colors as if it was written in a text editor or something similar how would I do that? So I wrote this program that deals random cards out. The program works great, but I don't know how to do the display. Here is the program though really all I am asking is for help with the figure.
function []=myShowHand(cards,PlayerName)
for k = 1:length(cards)
if cards(k) == 1
cards(k) = 13;
elseif cards(k) == 14
cards(k) = 26;
elseif cards(k) == 27
cards(k) = 39;
elseif cards(k) == 40
cards(k) = 52;
cards(k) = cards(k) - 1;
end % nested if
end % for loop
cards = sort(cards,'descend');
A = find(cards <= 13);
AA = cards(A); %clubs
B = find(cards >= 14);
BB = cards(B);
C = find(BB <=26);
CC = cards(C); %diamonds
D = find(cards >= 27);
DD = cards(D);
E = find(DD <=39);
EE = cards(E); %hearts
F = find(cards >= 40);
FF = cards(F); %spades
clubs = AA;
diamonds = CC;
hearts = EE;
spades = FF;
deck = '23456789TJQKA23456789TJQKA23456789TJQKA23456789TJQKA';
clubs = deck(clubs);
diamonds = deck(diamonds);
hearts = deck(hearts);
spades = deck(spades);
axis off
end % function

Best Answer

text will work just fine, it works in a default axes object. Start with sotoo...
s={'(Spade) J875';'(Heart) KT64';'(Diamond) QJ842';'(Club) AKQJ952'}
hF=figure; set(hF,'color',[1 1 1])
hA=axes; set(hA,'color',[1 1 1],'visible','off')
where you dynamically build the s array to write by combining the suit names and card holding in cell array. I just copied your example for playing with. cellstr can be your friend here.
You can then play with the figure size, location, as well as the scale for the axes (default 0-1 above) and text has all the properties you need for modifying at will. See the doc for it for that...
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