MATLAB: Help debugging the script

differential equationserrorfunctionoutputvectors

This script is meant to solve a set of differential equations and return an output consisting of the quantities [T,X,Y,Z,U,V,W] in the form of a vector. When i run the code nothing appears, only the name of my m-file in the command window. Could someone help me find where in my code I've made a mistake?

Best Answer

You wrote a while condition that will never be true. Have a look at this line:
while n <= n-2
For what values of n can this be true? Can you think of any real value of n where it is less than or equal to itself minus two? Try some real number examples, if you are not sure what is going on, e.g.:
n = 5
5 <= 5-2
5 <= 3
Is this ever going to be true?