MATLAB: Hello. I have to write a function called occurrence that tests whether a character exists in a string. If it is present, display true and the position (index) of the character. If it is not present, return inf. it gives me an error in line 2. help?

charactersfind index of first occurrencefirst occurrencestring

function find_letter(L, string)
n= 1:length(L);
not_found = true;
for k = 1:n
if isequal(L(k).letter, string)
fprintf('letter %s is present! It is the %2.0d item\n', L(k).title, k);
not_found = false;
break; % or return
if not_found; fprintf('letter not present\n')

Best Answer

function find_letter(L, string)
n= length(L);
not_found = true;
for k = 1:n
if isequal(L(k), string)
fprintf('letter %s is present! It is the %2.0d item\n', L(k), k);
not_found = false;
break; % or return
if not_found; fprintf('letter not present\n')
find_letter('Hello World!','o');