MATLAB: Hello I am Havva ÖZDEMİR I am working on ARTİFİCİAL NEURAL NETWORK (time delay series) but I can’t success network training because the knowledge is not satisfactory in Matlab Good work My work is demand forecasting with artificial neural network

Deep Learning Toolboxozdmr03timedelaynet

hello I am Havva ÖZDEMİR I am working on ARTİFİCİAL NEURAL NETWORK (time delay series) but I can't success network training because my knowledge is not satisfactory in Matlab Good work My work is demand forecasting with artificial neural network I have 900 data this data I use this data to learn about 628 of them I will use 270 data for train but Ican't

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timedelaynet 23
greg timedelaynet 20
timedelaynet 71
greg timedelaynet 59
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