MATLAB: Hello guys i need help please for the project

arduinoarduino io packagemakerMATLABsimulink

i have this error:
The corresponding 'msfun_arduino_analogread.tlc' file for the MATLAB S-function 'msfun_arduino_analogread' in block 'test/Arduino Analog Read' must be located in the current working directory, the MATLAB S-function directory 'C:\Users\Oasis-pc\Desktop\ArduinoIO\simulink', or the directory 'C:\Users\Oasis-pc\Desktop\ArduinoIO\simulink\tlc_c'

Best Answer

wen i do build model i have this error :
The corresponding 'msfun_arduino_analogread.tlc' file for the MATLAB S-function 'msfun_arduino_analogread' in block 'test/Arduino Analog Read' must be located in the current working directory, the MATLAB S-function directory 'C:\Users\Oasis-pc\Desktop\ArduinoIO\simulink', or the directory 'C:\Users\Oasis-pc\Desktop\ArduinoIO\simulink\tlc_c'
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