MATLAB: Hello friends, when i done a modelling in simulink error “the “FixedStepDiscrete” solver cannot be used to simulate block diagram,because it contains continuous states” is occuring…. even i tried all the solver types but nothing worked.. help me.

simulinksimulink configurationparameters realtime

hello friends, when i done a modelling in simulink error "the "FixedStepDiscrete" solver cannot be used to simulate block diagram,because it contains continuous states" is occuring…. even i tried all the solver types but nothing worked.. help me.. whther i need to change any other settings… im a begginer in this domain… guide me pls

Best Answer

If you have continuous-time blocks like Integrators, Continuous State-Space/Transfer Function, etc., then you cannot use a discrete solver, as it does not support continuous states.
I am guessing you want to retain a fixed-step solver, so your option is then to either
  1. Switch from a discrete solver to one that supports continuous states
  2. Replace the continuous-time blocks with discrete-time blocks (like Unit Delay, Discrete Transfer Function, etc.)
To switch the solver: If you go to Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters, and then go to the Solver pane, try changing the solver from Discrete to any of the other fixed-step solvers like ode1 or ode3.
- Sebastian