MATLAB: Hello everyone. I am looking for a real time image taken by a faulty camera which is affected with salt and pepper noise.If anyone has such an image, please be kind enough to mail it to me. My e-mail address:

Image Processing Toolboxsalt and pepper

Hello everyone. I am looking for a real time image taken by a faulty camera which is affected with salt and pepper noise.If anyone has such an image, please be kind enough to mail it to me. My e-mail address:

Best Answer

What does "real time" mean in this case? Real time usually means fast, like video rates of 30 frames per second or so. What does it mean to you?
You'll have trouble getting an image with salt and pepper noise unless you synthesize it yourself. Regular point and shoot and DSLR cameras have processing on them to get rid of salt and pepper noise, which is caused by dead pixels. You'd have to get the raw image, and it's possible some manufacturers even fix dead pixels before they give you the raw image. Why don't you just create the images you need?
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