MATLAB: Hello,.Actually,i have been written code for training fingerprint DB.But i dont know how to extract the values from that mat.file. please help me.134 images are in DB.and i extracted 10 features.So i want table in row n coloum formatt.thank u.


Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
A 12000x134 12864000 double global
Eigenhand 12000x120 11520000 double global
I 0x0 0 double global
I1 0x0 0 double global
Ic 0x0 0 double global
Ih 0x0 0 double global
In 0x0 0 double global
L 134x134 143648 double global
L_eig_vec 134x120 128640 double global
M 1x1 8 double
MD 1x1 8 double
MSQR 1x1 8 double
N 1x1 8 double
NAR 1x1 8 double
NCR 1x1 8 double
NoImages 1x1 8 double global
PSNR 1x1 8 double
ProjectedImages 120x120 115200 double global
T 0x0 0 double global
TrainDatabasePath 1x88 176 char global
TrainFiles 0x1 320 struct global
Train_Number 1x1 8 double global
a 19x3659 556168 double
b 1x3659 29272 double
error 0x0 0 double
eventdata 0x0 0 double
hObject 1x1 8 double
handles 1x1 924 struct
ind 1x87 696 double
m 1x1 8 double global
n 1x1 8 double

Best Answer

I'm not sure what all that stuff you put down is, but, in general, you can do this to get variables from a .mat file:
% Load .mat file into a structure.
storedStructure = load(yourMatFile)
% Extract from structure into a single variable with the same name (if you want).
someVariable = storedStructure.someVariable;