MATLAB: Heat transfer differential equation

heat transfer differential equationsMATLAB

Dear all,
I'm quite a new user of Matlab, I'm asking you somethiing that could be simple or obvious, but I've tried and no reasonable results came uot.
I've to calculate the Temperature evolution in time of a system affected by heat conduction and radiation, this is my equation:
eq_heat trasnfer_Enel.png
and this is my attempt code:
function[yp] = f(t,y);
% defining constants
d = 0.00585;
l = 0.03325;
m = 0.009329;
v = 20;
cp = 0.5;
nu = 16.24*10^-6;
sigma = 5.6704*10^-6;
eps = 0.8;
h = (0.26*((d/nu)*v)^0.6)*(0.7^0.37);
A = 7.926*10^-4;
k1 = (h*A)/(m*cp);
k2 = (sigma*eps*A)/(m*cp);
ya = 299;
% equation
yp = k1*(y-ya)+k2*(y^4);
Then, on the command window:
[t,y] = ode45('f',[0,5],1673)
What I am doing wrong (in the problem formulation, I don't care for instance to numbers)?
Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

I've solved my question using ode113:
[t,y] = ode113(@(t,y) -k1*(y-299)-k2*y^4,[0 100],1673)
, which eventually worked better and did not have any integration step tolerance warnings.
I'll try also your suggestion.
Thanks for your quick reply!