MATLAB: Heart Rate by category


I want to organize heart rate by the time spent in 3 diferent categories: 0 – 50 bpm 50 – 100 bpm 100 – 200 bpm
what is the best code??
thank you

Best Answer

One approach:
[~,sc] = xlsread('Sérgio Querido TEST.csv');
t_rc = regexp(sc(2:end), ';','split');
dn = cellfun(@(x) datenum(x(:,1), 'HH:MM:SS'), t_rc);
hr = cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(:,2)), t_rc);
bin_vct = [0 50 100 200];
hc = histcounts(hr, bin_vct);
fprintf(1, '\n\tRate\t0-50\t50-100\t100-200\n')
fprintf(1, '\tSecs\t%4d\t%6d\t%7d\t\n\n', hc)
Rate 0-50 50-100 100-200
Secs 3 320 0