MATLAB: HDP 3.1.1 and MATLAB R2019a Compatability


I have a cluster of linux machines running HDP 3.1.1. I see in all the HDFS documentation that only Hadoop versions 1.x and 2.x are supported. Will I have compatability issues due to using a 3.x version of Hadoop? When I try to read HDFS files from the cluster from a edge Windows machine, I continually get an error when using datastore (see below).
Error using datastore (line 120)
Cannot determine the Hadoop version. Verify that HADOOP_PREFIX, HADOOP_HOME, or the MATLAB_HADOOP_INSTALL environment variable is set to the root of your Hadoop installation folder.
The Windows machine I am accessing the cluster from does not have Hadoop installed and I point the required environment variable(s) to root of the Hadoop installation on the namenode of the cluster. I have spent considerable time attempting all fixes I could find assuming that Hadoop 3.1.1 is compatable with Matlab, but am suspecting that may be the root of the problem.

Best Answer

Brian, can you provide some more details on the problem you are running into when running the mapreduce command. A code example of how you are setting the environment variable, creating datastore and running mapreduce will be good. Also, is the error message exactly the same as before? Is this the complete error stack?