MATLAB: HDL implementation for bit to integer conversion block

bit to integerHDL Codersimulink

I had to use a design where an fsm treats a vector of bits and as an output of the fsm i had to convert it into an integer to be used in the DUT. I had found the bit to integer conversion block under the communication block set, but this block is not supported by the hdl coder. Is there any equivalent block or a trick getting the vector of bits reinterpreted as an other datatype (ufix).

Best Answer

Hi Mohamed,
MATLAB function block can help develop customer routines like these very easily.
check out the library of helper examples that show how to convert int2bits, bytes2tupe, swappingnibbles using Simulink and MATLAB function block
>> eml_hdl_design_patterns (under Word Twiddlers subsystem)
the example model links in the subsystem should generate HDL.