MATLAB: HDL Coder to / downto order

HDL Codersimulinkvhdl entity portorder to downto

I'm using HDL Coder to generade VHDL code for a simulink block.
In the entity, the port order is generated as follow:
  • for fixed-point variables, the output port is std_logic_vector(n downto 0)
  • for boolean vector (Simulink Port dimension: [1 n]), the output port is std_logic_vector(0 to n)
Is it possible to change the order (to / downto), that all output ports have the same direction, and are not mixed for one entity?
My goal is to have downto for all outputs.

Best Answer

This is a limitation due to an early decision made to emit vector of boolean to use 'TO' syntax and is not currently customizable.
A potential workaround is to concatenate boolean vector to a single signal of ufixN type using BitConcat block and seperating input scalar signal inside DUT back to vector of boolean using BitSlice blocks.