MATLAB: Having trouble with functions

for loopif statement

So I have this problem for school and I don't know how to take an element out of an array or matrix and put it into another one. Here is the question:
Create a function meancomp that compares the mean value of the odd numbered elements with the mean value of the even numbered elements and returns:
0, if they are equal
1, if the mean of the odd numbered elements is greater,
2, if the mean of the even numbered elements is greater"
This is what I have:
for m=1:length(x)
if mod(x,2)==0 % code end

Best Answer

No. Just extract them like this
oddElements = A(1:2:end);
same for even but you start at 2 instead of 1, though you can still end at "end". To find the mean of an array, use mean
oddMean = mean(oddElements);
I trust you can take it from there because you know how if/else statements work.
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