MATLAB: Having problem in placing a timer behind a togglebutton for audio recording!

audioaudio processingaudio recodertimer

Dear All,
Actually I have a toggle button (togglebutton1). When I click on it first time, it starts recording. The next time I click it, it stops recording. This works fine with the following code:
function togglebutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
button_state = get(hObject,'Value');
if button_state == get(hObject,'Max')
recorder = audiorecorder(8000,8,1);
set(handles.togglebutton1,'String','Stop Recording');
elseif button_state == get(hObject,'Min')
samples = getaudiodata(recorder,'uint8');
set(handles.togglebutton1,'String','Start Recording');
But what I want is that when you click on it for the first time, it starts recording. Then you can't press the button for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds, you can press the button to stop recording. This will make my recording duration of atleast 2 seconds. The recording could be greater than 2 seconds but the recording shouldn't be less than 2 seconds.
So, what I want is when you click on the togglebutton, it starts recording. Then the togglebutton gets disabled (enable=off) for 2 seconds. After atleast 2 seconds or more than 2 seconds recording, you can press the togglebutton again to stop recording.
What modifications would you suggest in the mentioned code?
Need it urgently.
Thank you.

Best Answer

%code to start recording and start record
%now the user can click again on the button