MATLAB: Having difficulties with fixpt_look1_func_approx parameters


I would like to create a table for x^0.61 with input range 0.3 to 8000. The xdata returned never goes above 1.0. here are my settings: func='power(x,0.61)'; xmin=0.3; xmax=8000; nptsmax=20; rndmeth='Floor'; xdt=sfix(16); ydt=sfix(16); xscale=2^-16; yscale=2^-16; invocation: [xdata,ydata,errworst]=fixpt_look1_func_approx(func,xmin,xmax,xdt,xscale,ydt,yscale,rndmeth,[],nptsmax,[]);

Best Answer

Just needed to declare xdt and ydt as float.