MATLAB: Having complexity in figures

figurematlab guisubplot

hii all,
İ have been create a Matlab gui guide to run my program. in guide i have a pushbutton when i click it supposed to figure 9 image that placed by subplot(3 3 1) command. actually it figures the images. but the same figure which i have my gui inside. so it create an unwanted ugly background. how do i figure separately?
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Hi Atas,
You can either use a figure command to open a separate figure window. Take it's handle and use it for your further subplot commands and plot(commands)
something similar to this
figHandle = figure;
plot(h,x,y); % or maybe plot(x,y,h) check matlab help please.
The same with subolot command.
Alternatively, you can use a figure embedded inside your GUI, and its the same principle. Except you don't have to write the figure; command!
Hope that helps. Good luck ;)