MATLAB: Having a 2 months timetable with 10 minute data points, is it possible to extract first half of each day using subscripting


having a timetable, one can do sub-scripting once on the hole interval. can one take a sub-script of the daily data of such a timetable, and save it in another timetable?

Best Answer

Yes, you can use subscript in MATLAB timetable class, similar to subscript in a MATRIX. For example to get the first half of the timetable you can use subscript like this
TT(1:end/2, :)
The exact detail of which subscript to use depends on the values you want to extract.
Edit: the updated answer according to your dataset is
TT_hours = hour(TT.Time);
index = d_hours <= 10 & d_hours >= 8;
TT_new = TT(index,:)
This will extract rows in which the hour is between 8 and 10.