MATLAB: Can I have more than 1 output argument from a function that I use in the MATLAB Function block in Simulink


Can I have more than 1 output argument from a function that I use in the MATLAB Function block in Simulink?
I have a user written function that has multiple input and output arguments. For example:
[a,b,c,d] = my_function(x,y,z)
But when I try to use this in the MATLAB FCN block in Simulink I get the following error:
??? Error using ==> sim
Error in MATLAB Function block 'my_model/MATLAB Fcn' while
computing the output. The width of the result was 1 when a width of 4 was
I have specified the number of outputs from the block as 4. But only one output from the function is seen.

Best Answer

You cannot pass more than one (1) argument out of a function that is used in the MATLAB FCN block.
If you need to pass more than one variable out of a function, you will have to concatenate all variables into one vector, and pass that vector out of the function. In other words, the single output from the function will have to be a vector with all the values that you need passed out. You can then use a Demux Block to split the vector into its individual signals.
Alternatively, you may use the Embedded MATLAB Function block. This block can accept multiple inputs and return multiple outputs.