MATLAB: Have a func(:,:,t) that I took the average of, how to create just an array of those values

arraymatrixmatrix arraymatrix mathsqueezevector

So I have iterations of a 2-D temperature profile, in which I do
Tavg = mean(mean(T(:,:,:)));
where T(i,j,t) is what I used.
Anyways, "Tavg" spits back a matrix of size [1 1 "#timesteps"]
Not sure why it's that size because when I type "Tavg" it gives me:
Tavg(:,:,17280) =
an actual value. (note, that's one of thousands necessary for my script)
How would I take all those computed averages to be able to plot them against time? Seems trivial, but I can't figure it out.

Best Answer

MEAN computes a mean along the 1st non-singleton dimension of its (1st) arg, unless you provide the dim as a second arg.
>> A = rand(2)
A =
0.4218 0.7922
0.9157 0.9595
>> mean(A)
ans =
0.6687 0.8758
that was along dim 1. Now if A had been a 1x2 array (dim 1 is a singleton):
>> A = rand(1,2)
A =
0.6557 0.0357
>> mean(A)
ans =
you see that the mean was performed over dim 2 (as dim 1 is a singleton dimension).
In your case, the inner MEAN performs a mean along dim 1 and reduces it to singleton. The outter MEAN performs a mean along dim 2 (1st non-singleton). You are left with a 3D array with two singleton dims, which is what is displayed..
>> A = rand(2, 2, 3)
A(:,:,1) =
0.8491 0.6787
0.9340 0.7577
A(:,:,2) =
0.7431 0.6555
0.3922 0.1712
A(:,:,3) =
0.7060 0.2769
0.0318 0.0462
>> mean(A) % Along dim 1.
ans(:,:,1) =
0.8916 0.7182
ans(:,:,2) =
0.5677 0.4133
ans(:,:,3) =
0.3689 0.1615
>> mean(mean(A)) % Along dim 1 and 2, but still 3D!
ans(:,:,1) =
ans(:,:,2) =
ans(:,:,3) =
You can actually SQUEEZE singleton dimensions if/when needed:
>> squeeze(mean(mean(A)))
ans =
but you could also permute dimensions:
>> mean(mean(permute(A, [3,1,2]), 3), 2)
ans =
>> mean(mean(permute(A, [1,3,2]), 3))
ans =
0.8049 0.4905 0.2652
So .. no, it was not completely trivial ;-)