MATLAB: Hardware peripheral blocks for PARROT Hardware Support Package

Embedded CoderminidronesparrotsimulinkTarget Support Package

Some Simulink support packages (such as the Arduino and LEGO support packages) come with associated hardware blocks. Are there any hardware blocks in the Simulink Support Package for PARROT Minidrones?

Best Answer

Currently, there are no hardware blocks in the Simulink Support Package for PARROT Minidrones. However, PARROT Minidrones are compatible with blocks from the Aerospace Blockset. The documented example "Quadcopter Project", linked below, demonstrates how blocks from the Aerospace Blockset can be used with PARROT Minidrones.
However, please note that the "Quadcopter Project" shipped with R2017a has some known issues. To use this example in R2017a, please download it from the following Bug Report: