MATLAB: Hanning window Frequency Domain Graph

frequency domain

I have calculated the time domain of the hanning window through the formula.
But now I have to find the frequency domain by using fft and fft shift which i have calculated but I want to know is this graph correct or not?
M = 40;
n = -M / 2: M / 2;
window = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos (2 * pi * n / M);
plot (n, window);
L = length (window);
NFFT = 1024;
X1 = fftshift (fft (window, NFFT) / length (window));
Freq = (-NFFT / 2: NFFT / 2-1) / NFFT; % Frequency vector
plot (Freq, X1 (1: length (Freq)) / max (X1), 'r' );

Best Answer

The graph for frequency response is correct. In case you want to generate a plot for magnitude response in decibels, make the following changes to the code:
Y1 = X1 (1: length (Freq)) / max (X1);
mag_dB = 10*log10(Y1);
The following link to the documentation might be helpful ofr generating frequency response for Hanning window using the 'hann' function available in the Signal Processing Toolbox in MATLAB.
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