MATLAB: Handle to object method

callbackfunction handleoop

Ok, so I have this object Object1. One of its properties is another object, Object2 : Object1.prop = Object2.
Now from within a method of Object1, I am creating GUI controls whose callbacks I want to be one of Object2's public methods, say Object2.publicMethod.
So in Object1 I have something of the form:
function callbackWillBeCreated(this)
guicontrol('Callback', @this.prop.publicMethod);
This doesn't work ! When the callback is called, Matlab sends an error saying it doesn't know the function.
Does anyone have a fix or an explanation as to why it doesn't work ?

Best Answer

What you had would be fine if you have R2012a or later, which I guess you don't.
But for earlier MATLAB versions, it won't work because "this.prop.publicMethod" is not the name of a function. You will need to do something like this,
guicontrol('Callback', @() this.prop.publicMethod);
Or, if the callback takes arguments
guicontrol('Callback', @(x) this.prop.publicMethod(x));
and so on.