MATLAB: Half-Solved Expression Issue

half calculationincoplete answerMATLAB

Hello Everyone;
I have encountered an issue regarding, I think, the command "syms ". When I wrote the code below in the image, it did not display the numerical value completely, rather it displayed as an incomplete result. How can i solve this problem? How can i get fully calculated answer?
Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at 22.41.26.png

Best Answer

It is not incomplete. The Symbolic Math Toolbox assumes that you want a symbolic result unless you tell it otherwise.
Try this:
syms f(x) x
f(x) = cos(x) - 2*x + 3;
f1 = f(1)
vpa_f1 = vpa(f1)
f1 =
cos(1) + 1
vpa_f1 =
Also, while ‘a picture may be worth a thousand words’, here on MATLAB Answers, actual posted code (copied from your Editor or Command Window and pasted here) is worth a thousand pictures of it!