MATLAB: GUIDE-Program interface cut-off


I wrote a program that works perfectly fine on my computer and two laptops that I used for testing. All Windows 7 with different resolutions, (Matlab R2010b). But as soon as I give the program to a collegue to test it (Linux, R2009a) the program's GUI is cut off and the text size is bigger. For your information I am using size commands to change the UI and using "pixels" units with that, not "normalized". See screenshots:
My Screen:
My Collegues Screen:
Can anyone tell what is happening here? I would really appreciate a solution that does not change units to "normalized" as it would be quite a pile of work to change all that. (By changing one of the popup menus the whole GUI changes and the Boxes have to be realigned and the size of the program window changes.)
Thanks You!
Turns out my collegue was using R2007 as i was using R2010b, which caused these differences. Seems like the old versions had different standard Fonts and Proportions.

Best Answer

Are you relying on the default font and font size or are you setting it? I would think:
set(hfig, 'DefaultAxesFontName', fontName, 'DefaultTextFontName', fontName)
set(hfig, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', fontSize, 'DefaultTextFontSize', fontSize)
where hfig is an array of handles to the figure(s) in the gui and fontName and fontSize are the desired font name (string) and font size (double) would take care of teh font issues.
As for the resizing, does
get(0, 'MonitorPositions')
get(0, 'ScreenSize')
return reasonable values on your colleagues machine?
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