MATLAB: GUIDE editable box, Excel to Matlab Column conversion

cell arraysexcelguide

As most know Excel uses the naming of columns using A,B,C…and so forth, whereas in Matlab it is numerical 1,2,3… In my program a user can choose ANY excel document and convert it to a .mat(specifically gets the {raw} file which in turn each column will be analyzed. I cannot seem to find the code/logic that when using converts that letter to now Ex. column 2 and saves that column separately so I can make calculations on it. Another example is the user enters A into the editable text box, and the code then takes A knows it is an editable text box in GUIDE the user can enter any column from there Excel sheet Ex. B, and then the code column 1 in Matlab and gets that column and saves it separately. In addition the number of columns will not exceed Z in excel and 26 in Matlab, as well as I am analyzing cell arrays. Thank you so much!!

Best Answer

Tessa - if you assume that the Excel columns contain alphabetic characters in the set {A,B,C,...,Z}, then you can try using the following conversion
function [matCol] = exceToMatlab(excelCol)
numChars = length(excelCol);
matCol = 0;
for k=1:length(excelCol)
% convert the character to an integer: A->1, B->2, etc.
charAsInt = int64(upper(excelCol(k))) - 64;
% add to our running total
matCol = matCol + charAsInt * (26 ^ (numChars - k));
In the above, we assume that each character can be mapped to the integers 1 through 26, and then, depending upon which position the character is in, we multiply it by 26 to the exponent of that character position less one. So,
A --> 1 * 26 ^ (1 - 1) = 1 * 26^0 = 1
B --> 2 * 26 ^ (1 - 1) = 2 * 26^0 = 2
Z --> 26 * 26 ^ (1 - 1) = 26 * 26^0 = 26
AA --> 1 * 26 ^ (2 - 1) + 1 * 26 ^ (2 - 2) = 1 * 26^1 + 1 * 26^0 = 27
AB --> 1 * 26 ^ (2 - 1) + 2 * 26 ^ (2 - 2) = 1 * 26^1 + 2 * 26^0 = 28
Try the above and see what happens!