MATLAB: GUIDE “disconnected” from editor


Hi everybody
I have a perfectly functioning GUIDE that i would like to duplicate since i need both it and a slightly different version of it. The problem is that the GUIDE file (.fig) seems to be disconnected from his script.
I try to explain it a little better:
  • Item one the "editor" button in the tool-bar is disabled (grey)
  • Item one if I save the GUIDE with a different name (official and only way to rename a GUIDE and his script) the script name doesn't change. However the GUIDE keeps working, even with the .m file and the .fig file have different names.
  • Item one if I click "show callback" it opens the property inspector, instead of the function in the .m file
How can i "reconnect" them without having to re-do all the work from scratch?
If i copy all the button in a new GUIDE file, all the tag will be messed up and even if i copy-paste the script it will be a nightmare to fix them.
Any smarter solution? And moreover, what the hell caused this problem?
Thank you

Best Answer

open the working GUI. Make sure in the Tools-> GUI Options the Generate Fig File and m File Option is selected and save the GUI by a new name. This will give you a GUI and m file by the same name. See if this works.