MATLAB: Guidata doesn’t save the data, why


I have a GUI made in GUIDE. I need to store some data within functions and they must be reachable by other callbacks. I am using guidata like the following:
function MyFunction(input1,input2,...,inputN)
MyData = CalculateMyData(inputs);
handles.DataToSave = MyData;
Later in another Callback I'm trying to get back the data and save it to a file like the following:
function SaveData(handles)
SavedData = handles.DataToSave;
However, the field DataToSave no longer exists. I know that the handles and the guidata are not the same structure, therefore I tried the following code as well:
function SaveData(handles)
MyGUIData = guidata(gcf());
SavedData = MyGUIData.DataToSave;
Unfortunately this code does not work either. How can I solve this problem? Any help is appreciated. László

Best Answer

I did not exactly understand,but you can try this method:
The data that you want to save in your 1st function,save it to base workspace.
Now that it is saved in base workspace,use it in your 2nd function by.
v = evalin('base','handles.DataToSave');
That Data is now in v,use v in your function where you wnt to.
Just see u hv handles.DataToSave in your base workspace.
Or this should help: