MATLAB: GUI ‘uitable’ with option to add or remove rows depending on ‘textbox’ value

add rowsguiguideiutableMATLABremove rowstextbox;

Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a 2 by 3 table (initially) in a GUI using GUIDE, with a textbox that controls the number of rows of the table. The columns will stay constant.
I read through the documentation and also multiple threads on the subject, but I am still not understanding how to accomplish this. Is what I am trying to do possible?
From what I understand, I have to change the 'data' portion of the uitable properties since the "number of rows in the table is the larger of RowName and the number of rows in Data". Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help provided.

Best Answer

It looks like you just need to put the following i the callback of your editbox (I'm assuming you meant editbox instead of textbox):
function myEdit_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
nRows = str2num(get(hObject,'String'));
dat = cell(nRows,3);
That, of course, will overwrite any data entered in your table with a blank table. If you want to keep your data, it'll be a bit more complicated:
function myEdit_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
oldDat = get(handles.myTable,'Data');
nRows = str2num(get(hObject,'String'));
if nRows > size(oldDat,1)
dat = cell(nRows,3);
dat(1:nRows,:) = oldDat;
elseif nRows < size(oldDat,1)
dat = oldDat(1:nRows,:);