MATLAB: GUI, selecting a figure to close, if it exists


I have a GUI that sometime at the end displays a new figure (handles.hf5). I create the new figure using:
handles.hf5=figure('position',[xpos, ypos, sz(2), sz(1)]);
When I run my GUI again, if this figure exists, I want to be able to close it. (sometimes I run the GUI with other options and no additional figure is required and so handles.hf5 does not exist.
I have tried the following but none work:
close all
allPlots = findall(0, 'Type', 'figure', 'FileName', [])
if ishandle(handles.hf5)

Best Answer

A reply on another question from Walter has resolved the issue.
figure1 is the tag of the main GUI.
fig1h = findall(0,'type','figure','Tag','figure1'); %Keep this open as its the main gUI figure
figh = findall(0,'type','figure');
other_figures = setdiff(figh, fig1h);
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