MATLAB: GUI – Real time Spectrogram

audiorecorderguiguideMATLABreal time spectrogramtimefcntimertimerperiod

Hello everybody, I am trying to implement a real time spectrogram but I am not able to get what I really want. Basically, I want to show a real time spectrogram while I am recording a signal with length of 60 seconds. I would like to have a fixed time axes, while the spectrogram gets filled with the time. Then when the recording is finished, I would like to use the recorded signal (all the 60 seconds) to plot another graph in the same figure. Any suggestions would be really appreciate.

Best Answer

I am not too sure what you have tried so far, but reading this documentation might help with both your planning of how you want your interface to look like, and how to assign callbacks to the pushbuttons (1 for record, 1 for stop, maybe another for plotting) for your project:
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