MATLAB: GUI plot for projectile motion not reproducing trajectory

guiplot troubleprojectile motion

When I try to plot my projectile motion function, the GUI plot does not display the entire trajectory as it does when I run the function in regular MATLAB. Instead it displays the projectile (dot) moving along while the y-axis constantly shifts to capture the height of the projectile. I would the entire trajectory to be displayed and also not have the y-axis shift so frantically. Below is the code in the GUI and after that, the code from the MATLAB function.
angle = app.angle.Value;
x0 = app.x0.Value;
y0 = app.y0.Value;
v0 = app.v0.Value;
g = 9.81;
hangtime = 2*v0*sind(angle)/g;
t = 0:hangtime/100:hangtime;
vix = v0*cosd(angle);
viy = v0*sind(angle);
x = x0+vix*t;
y = y0+viy*t-(g*t.^2)/2;
maxheight = y0 + (viy)^2./(2*g)
xheight = x0 + vix*(t/2);
for k=2:length(t)
x(k) = x0 +(vix*t(k));
y(k) = y0 +(viy*t(k))-0.5*g*t(k)^2;
h = plot(app.UIAxes,x(k),y(k),'.');
pause (0.02);
Now this is the original function code:
function projmotion(x0,y0,v0,theta)
% projmotion calculates projectile motion

% projmotion(x0,y0,v0,theta)
% x0 = initial x(horizontal) position
% y0 = initial y(vertical) position
% v0 = initial velocity
% theta = angle of launch
% Ver 1.0 by RSS
g = 9.81;
angle = theta*(pi./180);
hangtime = 2*v0*sin(angle)/g;
t = hangtime;
vix = v0*cos(angle);
viy = v0*sin(angle);
x = x0+vix*t;
y = y0+viy*t-(g*t.^2)/2;
maxheight = y0 + (viy)^2./(2*g)
xheight = x0 + vix*(t/2);
if theta >90
error('Please select angle value of 90 degrees or less')
figure('Color', [1 1 1]);
for k=0:t/100:t
x = x0 +(vix*k);
y = y0 +(viy*k)-0.5*g*(k^2);
for k=0:t/100:t
x = x0 +(vix*k);
y = y0 +(viy*k)-0.5*g*(k^2);
h = plot(x,y,'.');
xlabel('Horizontal Distance (meters)');
ylabel('Height (meters)');
title('Trajectory Time');
hold on;
s1 = sprintf('Total time of travel is %f seconds.\n', t)
s2 = sprintf('Range is %f meters.\n', x-x0)
s3 = sprintf('Max height is %f meters.\n', maxheight)
s4 = sprintf('X position at max height is %f meters.\n', xheight)
message = sprintf('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s',s1, s3, s2, s4);
uiwait(helpdlg(message, 'Simulation Results'));
Thanks for your time out there!

Best Answer

toggles the hold state for that axes.
hold(app.UIAxes, 'on');
would turn hold on for the axes.