MATLAB: [Gui] Plot “area” not corresponding to an image


I am developing an interface to visualize 3D images. In this way, the user can select the "slice" (sagittal, coronal or transverse) and progress in volume in changing slice's "index".
I used a slider to change slice's index and also used the callback WindowScrollWheelFcn. For this second process, I used the CurrentPoint on my image plot handle to test if mouse is over the image…. and the problem is here ! …
Take exemple with a data's dimension as 256x256x180. When I plot the 2D slice's image, using imagesc, with a no-square dimension like 256×180, the image is correctly plotted, BUT, it wiil appear my plot "area" as dimension 180×256. This difference between image area and plot area is detected using the WindowScrollWheelFcn and priting the mouse position.
This problem makes that a part of image is not considered inside the image, but a part next to the image it's like inside the image (detected by WindowScrollWheelFcn).
Here some pieces of code:
%%extract 2D image form 3D volume
function update_image(self)
self.image = [];
if (isempty( || self.index <= 0)
[w, h, d] = size(;
switch self.slice
case 1
idx = min(self.index, w);
self.image = flipud(squeeze( , : , :))');
case 2
idx = min(self.index, h);
self.image = flipud(squeeze( , idx , :))');
case 3
idx = min(self.index, d);
self.image = squeeze( , : , idx));
%%update plot with image 2D
function update_viewer(self)
if (isempty(self.image))
old_w = 0;
old_h = 0;
if (~isempty(self.image_h))
[old_w, old_h] = size(get(self.image_h, 'CData'));
[new_w, new_h] = size(self.image);
if (old_w ~= new_w || old_h ~= new_h)
self.image_h = imagesc(self.image, self.clims);
colormap gray;
axis off;
axis image;
set(self.image_h, 'CData', self.image);
And to get the mouse position :
function [position] = getMousePosition(self)
p = get(self.gui_axes, 'CurrentPoint');
position = p(1, 1:2);
Thanks advence for your help

Best Answer

hhhmmm .. it seems that it was as "simple" like that.
So I change :
function [position] = getMousePosition(self)
p = get(self.gui_axes, 'CurrentPoint');
position = p(1, 2:-1:1);
Thanks Adam for your help !
I continue somes tests, I'll be back if seems error persits.