MATLAB: GUI made without GUIDE not updating

callbackguiMATLABupdating guiwithout guide

I'm trying to make a GUI that pops up as soon as the main function starts and it contains a checkbox that can be used to stop the program when it is in a loop:
function mainFcn
h.fig = figure('Position', [100 100 100 100]);
h.cancelBox = uicontrol('Style', 'checkbox',...
'String', 'Cancel?',...
'Position', [10 10 10 10]);
set(h.cancelBox, 'callback', {@cancelBox, h});
i = 1;
while i == 1
value = get(h.cancelBox, 'Value');
if value == 1
i = 0;
i = 1;
function cancelBox(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set(hObject, 'Value', 1);
guidata(hObject, handles);
When I use disp(value); to see the value I am getting for the current value of the checkbox. It always says that the checkbox has a value of 0.

Best Answer

i == 0 is not an assignment statement.
Also your while loop is not giving an opportunity for any graphics interruptions. Graphics interruptions are only processed when there is a pause(), drawnow(), uiwait() or waitfor(), figure(), or the routine reaches the command prompt.