MATLAB: GUI input pixel range from inputdlg

guideImage Processing Toolboxmatlab gui

Hi Everyone, can anyone help?
1) I am making a GUI for image segmentation.
2)In my GUI, I ask for a input number and display the respective slice. I use inputdlg command.
3)In the second step. I have to select few pixel coordinates and concate them together (please see example). These pixel ranges have to be 'hand picked' using the data cursor from the displayed image. And feed in to another input dilog box which is generated using inputdlg command.
example :
AA = (X1(:);X2(:).....)
3) The problem is, in the second step, I cannot use data cursor to retrieve pixel coordinates from the displayed image.
if true
% code
AA = getappdata(handles.select_call, 'AA');
prompt = {'Enter slice no. for training'};
dlg_title = 'Input';
num_lines = 1;
def = {'1'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def);
numbr= str2double(answer);
A = AA(:,:,numbr);
imagesc(A); axis equal; color all; title('slice no. for traning');
x = inputdlg({'X1','X2','X3','X4','X5','X6','X7'},...
'pixel range from image.format',[1 20; 1 20;1 20; 1 20; 1 20; 1 20; 1 20]);
data = str2double(x);
Best wishes, Swarup

Best Answer

Why not simply use rbbox() or imrect() to let the user select the rectangle in your image?
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